K34811(W3267) Wakizashi signed Wakasa-no-kami Fujiwara UJIYOSHI NBTHK(HOZON) JPYen375,000
Shinto Early Edo period (Shouho era/circa A.D.1644) Owari
Length of cutting edge38.7cm Curvature0.9cm Width of base32.6mm Thickness of base6.6mm
Blade construction (kengyo) : Unokubi-zuruki, Iori-mune, Mihaba is wide, upper fukura in full and Shinogi-suji is fairly high. There is sakizori (upper pointed curve) rather deep. (click HERE for a higher resolution of image)
Forging pattern (kitae hada) : Kitae hada is fine Itame-hada (wooden grained) and Ohada (conspicuous flowing grain mark) partially on the base. Hiraji is covered with Ji-nie.
Tempering pattern (hamon) : Hamon is Nie based with deep Nioi-kuchi, wavy (Notare) mixing in with large gunome(zig-zag) and box shape outline and allow head shape which is covered in fine nie glitter. There are some SHIMA (splash temper) sailing in hiraji. The interior of temper is splendidly active with thick nie line KINSEN, Sunagashi activities. The entire Ji-ha is splendidly alive with various nie activity and full of variety in tempering pattern.
Temper of tip (boshi) : Boshi in front starts with large gunome then spray flying and the ura does with large gunome small circle sharp pointed up turning back.
Tang (Nakago) : Nakago is unaltered (ubu). Ha-agari Iriyama heel shape. One mekugi ana. Sujikai file marks. The signature in omote is long character located lower, ridge side, which is composed of a title [Wakasanokami], surname [Fujiwara] and the smith name [Ujiyoshi].
Ujiyoshi, his initial name was Kyo-saburo, the second son of Hidanokami Ujifusa, a youger brother of Bizen-no-kami Ujifusa. He was born in the 11th year of Keicho (A.D.1606), Kiyosu town in Owari and enjoyed Wakasano-kami title in seventh day, the second month, the 11th year of Kanei when he was 29 years old, he moved to Nagoya when Nagoya castle was under construction or after. died in 17th day, the 11th month, the 7th year of Enpo (A.D. 1679), was 74 years old. His style is very closed to one of his father the first generation UJIFUSA, very good at large pattern nie based gunome-midare with fruitful activity in the temper. This wakizashi would be made under the demand of Owari Samurai who was skilled in the military arts, the entire katana is heroically brave and stoutly built with wide mihaba.
Silver foiled copper habaki, Shira-Saya plain wood mounting.